Huron County Mi Road Construction
Road and Lane Closures
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South Fifth Avenue Detour between East Huron Street and East Washington Street: Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021, 9 a.m.–Noon. D & M Electrical will be occupying South Fifth Street with a crane, adjacent to the 220 East Huron Street building, between East Huron Street and East Washington Street for installation of a new generator. Beginning at 9 a.m. Thursday, Dec.16 2021, both southbound traffic lanes on South Fifth Avenue will be narrowed to one lane and detoured west onto East Huron Street then south onto South Fourth Avenue then east onto East Washington Street. Access will be maintained to local businesses at all times. Pedestrian traffic will be maintained on the east side of South Fifth Avenue. Work and detour will be concluded at approximately noon, with vehicle and pedestrian traffic restored fully.
Main Street Area Ann Arbor Social District: Dec. 2, 2021,-TBD, Thursday-Sunday, 4-11 p.m. The following road closures will be in place to allow for the Main Street Area Social District.
- Main Street from William to Huron.
- 4th Avenue from William to Huron.
- Washington Street from Ashley to 5th Avenue.
- Liberty Street from Ashley to 5th Avenue.
- Ashley Street from Liberty Street to Washington Street.
Technology Infrastructure Improvement Project: Monday, Nov. 29–Friday, Dec. 31, 2021.The City of Ann Arbor Information Technology department, through its contractor Turnkey Network Solutions, will be performing construction on the specified city streets above to install underground conduit, fiber optic cable, and working in vaults (handholes), that require concrete removal and restoration (as needed).
- Main Street from William Street to Madison Street — Sidewalk closure and lane closure.
- Ashley Street from West Liberty Street to William Street — Possible lane closure when going through intersection of Ashley and Liberty.
- West Liberty Street from Ashley Street to 1st Street — Sidewalk closure and possible partial lane closure.
- Alley between 1st and Ashley, North of Liberty South of Washington — Alley closure north of parking lot at north side of Liberty Street.
- Washington Street from above Alley to railroad tracks W of 1st Street — Sidewalk closure and meter bags.
- 1st Street from Washington Street south — Meter bags and sidewalk closure.
- Division Street from Huron Street to Washington Street — East side lane closure and sidewalk closure. West side, meter bags and sidewalk closure (east and west side work will be completed at separate times). Lane closures when crossing Washington Street.
- Washington Street from Division Street to State Street — Sidewalk closure, meter bags, bike lane closure.
- State Street from Huron Street to Washington Street — Meter bags, sidewalk closure, and lane closure when crossing Huron Street.
- Huron Street from 1st Street to Ashley Street — Lane closure and sidewalk closure.
William Street from State Street to Ashley Street (One-way Closure): Wednesday, Nov. 3–TBA.Beginning at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 3, Westbound William Street from State Street to Ashley Street will be closed to allow for the installation of curbed islands between the bikeway and vehicle lane on the north side of William as part of the DDA's William Street Bikeway Project. More information can be found at
Vehicles traveling westbound on William will be detoured north on State Street, then west on Liberty Street, then south on Ashley Street back to William Street. The bikeway on William Street will also be closed during this time.
Access to businesses and residences on both the north and south sides of the road will be maintained throughout construction (*except as noted in italics below):
*Driveways will remain accessible except for some north side driveways which will be temporarily closed when the concrete is placed and needs time to cure. If your driveway will be impacted, the contractor will coordinate this with you in advance and provide parking passes if necessary.
Division Street vehicle lane closures between Packard Street and Huron Street: Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021 to TBA. Beginning at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 26 the easternmost vehicle lanes of Division Street from Packard to Huron will be closed and Division Street will be reduced to one lane of northbound traffic. This is to allow for paving as part of the DDA's Division Street Bikeway Project. More information can be found here:
During this time, access to all businesses and residences will be maintained on both the east and west side of the road (*except as noted in italics below). There will be no street parking on the east side of Division in this area during construction.
*Driveways will remain accessible except for some east side driveways which will be temporarily closed when the concrete is placed and needs time to cure. If your driveway will be impacted, the contractor will coordinate this with you in advance and provide parking passes if necessary.
Local traffic will be maintained in all areas, and local businesses will remain open and accessible. In all areas, pedestrian thru-traffic will be maintained on one side of the street at all times.
Division Street from Huron Street to Catherine Street; Catherine Street from State Street to 5th Avenue; Ann Street from 5th Avenue to State Street: Monday, Oct. 18- Satruday, Dec. 11 , 2021 Beginning at 7 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 18 the following changes will be made to facilitate the DDA's Division Street Bikeway project:
- The easternmost lane of Division Street from Huron to Catherine will be closed and Division Street will be reduced to one lane of northbound traffic. During this time, access to all businesses and residences will be maintained on both the east and west side of the road(*except as noted in italics below). There will be no street parking on the east side of Division in this area during construction. This work is expected to be completed by 5 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021, and the road reopened to vehicle traffic.
*Driveways will remain accessible except for some east side driveways which will be temporarily closed when the concrete is placed and needs time to cure.If your driveway will be impacted, the contractor will coordinate this with you in advance and provide parking passes if necessary.
Beginning at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 20:
- The intersections of Division/Catherine and Division/Ann will be closed to thru traffic. The following detours will be in place: Vehicles travelling westbound on Catherine Street will be detoured north on State St, west on Kingsley Street and south on 5th Avenue back to Catherine Street. Local traffic will be able to enter and exit Catherine Street via the Division intersection (except as noted in italics below):
*Note: At certain times during the construction, local traffic on Catherine Street between Division and 5th Avenue will enter this block from 5th Avenue during the construction workday (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Two-way traffic on this block will be maintained with flaggers. The project team will notify local residents and businesses directly in advance of this two-way traffic pattern.
- Vehicles travelling eastbound on Ann Street will be detoured south on 5th Avenue, east on Huron Street and north on Thayer Street back to Ann Street. Local traffic only will be able to enter and exit Ann Street via the Division intersection.
Local traffic will be maintained in all areas, and local businesses will remain open and accessible. This work is expected to be completed by 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021, and the roads reopened to vehicle traffic.
In all areas, pedestrian through-traffic will be maintained on one side of the street at all times.
South Main Street from Packard Street to East William Street and East William Street from South Main Street to South Fourth Avenue: Monday, Nov. 2 at 9 a.m.– Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022, at 5 p.m. Beginning at 9 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 2, the eastern northbound lane of South Main Street and the sidewalk along the east side of South Main Street between Packard Street and East William Street will be closed to allow for construction of a new residential building. Pedestrian traffic shall cross South Main Street to access the sidewalk on the west side of the road between Packard Street and William Street. In addition, a portion of the eastbound lane of East William Street will be closed to provide a pedestrian access tunnel along East William Street from South Main Street to the alley located between South Main Street and South Fourth Avenue. Vehicular traffic will not be significantly impacted by the partial lane closure on East William Street.
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Michig an Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) Projects
Please note: To stay informed of projects managed by entities other than the City of Ann Arbor, please subscribe directly to receive MDOT updates (follow the link and click the envelope on the left of the page) and consult the WCRC website.
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